5 years as one of the best places to work in Australia

At the GPTW Awards night in August 2019, it was revealed that i2C placed 14th in the Best Places to Work in Australia Study 2019 (of firms less than 100 employees). We are honoured to have held this position for five years but all credit goes to our team for fostering the great i2C culture, we are so proud of.
A further achievement was maintaining a position in the top 20 at a time when many companies are really starting to focus on their workplace culture. Great Place to Work also had a much larger pool of potential companies vying for the top spot in this year’s competition. i2C is consistently amongst Australia’s best places to work and have participated every year since 2010 and are thrilled to have been in the top 20 over the last five!
Each year the survey results help us to understand where our team are at, what is working and what we should be focussing on to foster a better place for our team to be part of each day. When 99% of your team believe that “people care about each other here” and 96% said “there is a family feeling here” we know that is not about what management do but the actions of each of every one of our team members, that make a difference.
i2C’s Managing Directors, Brian Jende, Anthony Merlin and Rod Rose, refer back to their tight-knit team as the constant fundamental driving force behind i2C’s special workplace culture.
“We are continually inspired by the passion and camaraderie amongst our team. Our whole team embody our core values and it’s their daily contribution that makes coming to work more than just a job” – Anthony
Great Place to Work Background
Great Place to Work is a research and consulting firm specialising in workplace excellence and development of high-trust and high-engagement workplace cultures. Their research tool; the Trust Index® Employee Engagement Survey, is taken annually by over 10 million employees worldwide. Leading companies worldwide use this model to increase the levels of trust across their organisations and drive business results.
Great Place to Work will blend an analysis of employees’ workplace experience, through their Trust Index©Survey, with an assessment of each Companies programs and practices, through a Culture Audit©. They can then provide extensive benchmarking against the culture and performance of best companies nationally and internationally, both within and across comparable industries and organisational profiles.
Finally, a huge thank you to the entire i2C team, it is you that make this company the special place that it is today. Without the group of people that we do have, results like this just wouldn’t be possible. While the number in this survey means a great deal, the true driving force is knowing that we can confidently provide and be willing to go the extra mile to make i2C a truly great place to work.