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    We have a responsibility to positively shape our future. We focus on people, place and nature to inspire designs. We talk less of resource conservation, energy efficiency and negative impacts and more of human health and well-being, resilience, regeneration, and repair of our ‘whole’ ecosystem.

    i2C works with clients to identify and prioritise key sustainability factors and recommend effective design strategies that positively impacts people, projects, organisations, communities and our wider global environment.

    MEDIA Block LANDSCAPE A-RegenerativeDesign

    Reconnect people


    We design for life, human health and wellbeing. We place people at the heart of designs to promote positive social impacts and behaviours within local communities.

    We take a user comfort centred approach to design. Our designs integrate biophilic design principles to reconnect people with the natural environment and, as a result, improve their health and wellbeing.

    Specifying non-toxic fixtures and finishes ensures a better indoor environment for people health. While designing for walkability encourages people to have active lifestyles

    MEDIA Block LANDSCAPE B-RegenerativeDesign

    Celebrate place

    We design for life. Starting with the bioregion and understand what was there prior to development allows us to create places where life can flourish.

    We taking the time to understand our climate and our culture through place by gathering data on how people use, experience and interact with the current space.

    Working to understand the needs of the local community allows us to create designs that meet their needs. We find innovative new approaches to placemaking through our cross company design review process.

    Educating communities through inspiring sustainable designs and facilitates reconnection to natural systems and past memories.

    MEDIA Block LANDSCAPE C-RegenerativeDesign

    Rediscover nature

    We design for life. We advocate for resource efficient and ecological designs that consider our environment at every stage of the design process.

    Our designs incorporate salvaged products where possible and consider the local supply chain. Our team carefully consider how to regenerate the local biodiversity to support and nurture natural spaces.

    We advocate for renewable energy production onsite and treat water as a precious resource, not a waste product. Through integrating water sensitive urban design we minimise environmental degradation, improve aesthetic and recreational appeal.


    Catherine Lye and Gavin Salt now hold Passive House certification
    March 2023

    We are delighted to share Catherine Lye and Gavin Salt‘s recent Passive House certification. At i2C we...

    The six key regenerative design principles for i2C
    May 2021

    Regenerative design principles offer a transformative approach that goes beyond traditional notions of sustainability. As Claire Bowles position changes from being i2C’s Sustainability Lead to...

    i2C is proudly B Corp Certified
    April 2023

    i2C commits to future sustainability as a B Corp Certified company. We are proud to be part of a community of inspirational companies that are...

    Let's positively shape our future together

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