i2C | Ryder’s Build to Rent Delivery for the Australian Market

With the emergence of a new sector in the Australian market, i2C Architects are positioned at the leading edge of the “Build to Rent” design thinking. Whilst this sector leverages off the USA and UK market research and knowledge, we are fine-tuning the offer for Australian conditions.

i2C Architects nationally has invested considerably in understanding this new sector and have now joined forces with Ryder Architects out of UK/Canada/Hong Kong to bring the knowledge and experience from the Ryder learnings from 3000 “B2R” Apartments over the past 5 – 7 years into Australia.
Both i2C and Ryder’s recognised strength is the ability to work with large stakeholder groups in the core market sectors of Commercial, Urban Planning, Interiors and Retail.
We proudly maintain long term relationships with several “blue chip” clients across a portfolio of dynamic projects that traverse the breadth of Australia and the Pacific basin region.
Professionalism and focus remain constant through all core sectors of our work. We enjoy the challenge but are driven by reaching new levels of excellence in all forms of design and delivery, from the smallest private development, to the largest multi-million dollar commercial venture. We ensure all outcomes are sustainable for the long-term and reflect the aspirations of those groups participating in the design process.
Based on the UK format, we have developed a concept which provides a high quality, stimulating and innovative living space for residents with emphasis on flexibility. Build to Rent developers will see cost savings due to a reduction in construction time, improved cost certainty and a lean project management structure. Landlords will benefit from improved whole life costs including a reduction in maintenance fees.
Our solution reduces the overall construction cost for the building and provides greater flexibility to the developer, landlord and residents which creates an ever changing and constant cycle of tenants who live in a flexible and high-quality environment.

Click here to read i2C | i2C-BuildToRent Capability
Gareth Callen
Partner, Ryder. View Gareth’s profile here
Andrew Costa
Partner, Ryder. View Andrew’s profile here
Paul Bell
Partner, Ryder. View Paul’s profile here

Brian Jende
Managing Director