Movember Mo Bro’s – Proudly Raised $6232!
We are pretty passionate about giving back to the community so it was no surprise when some of our Movember Mo Bro’s put their hands up to participate in the goal of raising $5000.

Movember has grown into a truly global movement changing the face of men’s health and raising much needed funds to help fight prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.
In 13 years the Movember Foundation has funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects around the world and by 2030 will reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.
As in previous years, we formed an i2C Movember Team and our Mo Bro’s got busy shaping and finessing their facial hair with our Mo Sista’s and non mo growing lads supporting the challenge.
Some found growing a mo more challenging than others but the guys got very into the spirit sporting an assortment of mo styles. When it looked like the fundraising mission had slowed down, Haigen upped the ante and declared, he’d cut off his beard and sport a mo for the last day of November if we raised $5000 by end of day Tuesday 29th. The team rallied together and the target was met. True to his word, Haigen faced the blade, thanks to Adam from Clevelands Salon who donated his craft for Movember. See the results for yourself.
The Melbourne Mo Sista’s also organised a morning tea fundraiser feast for the 30th November raising $120, bringing the total up to just under $6k and a few last minute donations brought us up to the grand total of $6232. It was a huge effort all round.
In case you’ve missed it, here’s how the Mo team looked over the past few weeks.

A big thank you Movember Mo Bros and Sistas.
Thank you to everyone who has supported Movember this year.