East Quay
The site sits prominently in the context of the historic quayside setting, offering unrivaled views over the River Tyne and its bridges. The design solution overcomes a number of planning and technical challenges imposed by the site’s context, topography and adjacent retaining structures and buildings.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Adderstone Group
The development includes 130 two bedroom apartments, supported by shared roof top gardens, common space and parking.
An innovative approach in the arrangement of five independent adjoining towers allowed each block to step towards the river, enabling each apartment to benefit equally from river views.
The proposed scheme incorporates a number of private roof gardens and quay level gardens and would see significant investment in the la ndscaping of the existing embankment. Provision has been made for 151 car parking spaces, eight of which will be accessible spaces, and 100 cycle bays for residents.
Comprehensive economic research has been carried out for the scheme by planning and development experts Lichfields. Over 400 jobs would be created as a result of the scheme, 160 during construction and 240 through supply chain.
The scheme would contribute £2.7m GVA in economic output as well as £676,000 in new homes bonus payments over four years and £185,000 in council tax revenues per annum for the local authority.
An innovative approach in the arrangement of five independent adjoining towers allowed each block to step towards the river, enabling each apartment to benefit equally from river views.
The proposed scheme incorporates a number of private roof gardens and quay level gardens and would see significant investment in the la ndscaping of the existing embankment.
Provision has been made for 151 car parking spaces, eight of which will be accessible spaces, and 100 cycle bays for residents.
Comprehensive economic research has been carried out for the scheme by planning and development experts Lichfields. Over 400 jobs would be created as a result of the scheme, 160 during construction and 240 through supply chain. The scheme would contribute £2.7m GVA in economic output as well as £676,000 in new homes bonus payments over four years and £185,000 in council tax revenues per annum for the local authority.

Resido Sylvia Park, BTR
Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whātua Country | Auckland, NZ

Angel Gardens
Manchester, UK