The client, Central and Cecil, is a charitable provider of accommodation and care for the elderly which owned and operated a 1950s block containing 250 small bedsits. The accommodation was inflexible, the units too small and no longer regarded as fit for purpose.
Westminster, UK
Central and Cecil
Planning Approved
The design challenge was to create a similar number of larger apartments with significantly enhanced support and social provision, together with the addition of private accommodation for sale to substantially fund the development
Central and Cecil have historically provided a single model of care across their portfolio. This project pilots a flexible, menu based approach. Some residents are completely independent, others benefit from a light touch support, while others require substantial care services.
A significant area of development is to mitigate the symptoms of dementia. In our ageing society dementia has emerged as a key issue. Medical practices are enabling us to live longer but we are unable to counter the loss of brain function.

A key priority is the overriding importance of creating a real sense of belonging – of home, and of a spirit of community. This is achieved through the avoidance of large institutional lounges in favour of smaller more intimate spaces. Exploring real and meaningful activity with opportunities to make and do is part of the research programme. Car repair, cooking, gardening all form part of day to day activities.

Accommodation steps up from the south to provide a network of tiered rest gardens for all residents to enjoy. Apartments are a mix of one and two bedroom with light filled living spaces and private balconies

Resido Sylvia Park, BTR
Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whātua Country | Auckland, NZ

Angel Gardens
Manchester, UK