This RAP Reflect symbolises the first steps we are taking to achieve our reconciliation goals
We have become aware of a deep yearning and desire from members of our teams and management to contribute to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. We have a shared collective responsibility to become advocates for reconciliation and healing. We recognise we are only at the very beginning of this journey and for this reason, we are embarking on a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan for 2021- 2022
We want to create a pathway to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to reflect the voice of Country in our work.
From the Ground Up - RAP Artwork created by Matt Fellingham

‘From the ground up‘– this is i2C, working collaboratively, from the ground up. From little things big things grow, the flowers show you working with new teams and supporting them, like flowers in bloom. The Symbolism of Aboriginal voice from under the ground, and being connected to voice, to country and the journey. Circle are yarning, discussing and working in collaboration. The Greens of new life and new beginning. We are one.

Matt Fellingham, Artist
As a proud descendant of the Awabakal nation, Matt’s designs reflect shared experiences, journeys and universal stories. Matt’s design approach is human-centric and passionately shares the powerful connection to Country – something he believes we should all celebrate. See more of Matt’s work here.

Bringing unity. Become unity. Unite.
Paying homage to heritage, unity and loved ones, the artwork Unity, created by Matt Fellingham and co-created with the i2C team uses the process of applying hand prints to symbolise oneness, unity and tying together. Constructed from raw copper, the i2C team will each place their hands in natural, acidic solutions before placing them directly on the artwork. The resulting chemical reaction leads to a multi-layered, collaborative and ever-evolving artwork.
The many layers coming together to produce a lasting effect, to symbolise the unity within the team. The artwork will spend part of the year in each studio location ensuring each team member will have an opportunity to sit with and experience the artwork. With lighting tracks situated in the rear of the artwork, the artwork will be wall-mounted at the entrance of each studio, marking pride of place upon entry, so keep an eye out next time you visit an i2C Studio.

Unity, oneness and connection
September 2023
Created by artist and proud Awabakal descendant, Matthew Fellingham of FCAD. This beautiful Unity artwork is added to by our team as...

i2C’s new Brisbane studio celebrates its community, culture, and ecosystem
December 2022
The relocation of i2C’s new Brisbane studio allowed us to consider how we want to represent our personality through interior design and experiential graphics. We...

Our statement on the Voice referendum
September 2023
With the Voice to Parliament referendum dates locked in for October 14, i2C would like to acknowledge our shared collective responsibility...