Redefining Value – driving purposeful business

There is a global shift towards a regenerative economy with collectives of organisations across the globe coming together to challenge not only our existing business models but also the way our wider economic system works.
These groups are working to create the conditions for a thriving future through new models of business. We are seeing businesses taking responsibility to create social, environmental, and economic net positive value through their work, while the interest and traction around Regenerative Business and leadership is growing like never before.
Business models are shifting as we become more aware of our collective responsibility as businesses and design practices to not only deliver sustainable projects that positively shape our future but also to change the ‘way ‘ we work and what we ‘value’ and who create value for/with.
Last week over 35 professionals gathered to listen to perspectives on how to drive purposeful business across their organisations and out to the key stakeholders they work with to drive systems transformation.

As we fast approach our first birthday as a certified B Corp in December it seemed timely to host an event in our Melbourne studio focusing on Value and how B Corp businesses are shifting the way we work for a positive impact in the world.
This was another insightful talk generated by the collective of organisations that have formed the Melbourne Regenerative Design Forum. Our panel included our Regenerative Development Lead Claire Bowles Matt Sykes of Regeneration Projects Marnie Hawson – a photographer for people doing good things and Mindy Leow of B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Matt, Claire, Marnie and Mindy shared their journeys of discovery and leadership as purpose driven individuals shaping their work and organisations in ways that challenge conventional structures and create value in new ways.
Becoming a B-Corp has been an important step in connecting with a network of like-minded organisations seeking to create better structures for collaboration and regeneration. The meta crisis that we face cannot be overcome by single organisations working in isolation. It requires a team effort and really new thinking about the way we collaborate and work to shape a sector where social, human, natural and financial capital are valued with an understanding that business is one of the biggest levers we have to create value and positively contribute to our future.
One of our attendees and founder of the Melbourne Regenerative Design Forum says “ It’s
so inspiring to hear from these change makers and a reminder that we need to go well beyond a focus on single ideas like decarbonisation to bring about the deeper and more system change needed, to create not only financial capital but also natural, human and social capital”