Redland Bay Shopping Centre completed

The brand new Redland Bay Shopping Centre has been completed and opened to captivate their Bayside Community.
i2C were engaged by Deluca to design a shopping centre that will become the one stop shopping destination for the Bayside Community.
The centre has a total site area of 11,600m2 with Woolworths as its major tenant on the top floor along with a BWS and floor space for several small kiosk tenancies and ground tenancy along street frontage. The centre will include an under croft car park and new street car park.

The client, Fox and Bell wanted to link the new centre with existing shops on the opposing side of Strathbroke Street and with an adjacent building on Broadwater Terrace. The shops on Strathbroke Street were linked via direct pedestrian access linking up with the entry foyer of the new centre, and the shops on Broadwater Terrace were bridged across via an elevated walkway to connect the existing building to level 1 of the new centre.

The team worked closely with Deluca and the client to review and propose design changes in particular elements to enhance the entry foyer including some modifications with tenancy layouts and external colour scheme.

The forecourt being the vocal point of the centre, the client visioned a space that could serve as a meeting point for customers as well as to utilise the space as a multipurpose area for banners and kiosks for occasions such as Anzac Day. The intent of the pergola structure was to reduce the verticality of the foyer without affecting the overall intent of the high ceiling. The forecourt is opened on two sides which can be used to channel pedestrian traffic from the new car park as well as pedestrian traffic from the existing shops on Strathbroke Street.
Internally, a façade treatment of artwork was proposed for the western wall along James Street façade to bring some character to the precast panels. The artwork was chosen by the client and was carried into the internal foyer maintaining the same theme internally.

Project Leader: Mark H. Williams
i2C team members: Francis Kim
Client: Fox and Bell
Builder: Deluca Constructions Pty Ltd
Location: Redland Bay, QLD
Original Design and DA Architect: Medhurst Architects

i2C Architects