i2C named as one of the BRW Best Places to Work

i2C credits its emphasis on the recreational interests of their team as being paramount to being named in the top 50 BRW Best Places to Work for 2012.
Anthony Merlin, managing director of i2C, epitomises the modern-day boss that everyone wants, with his keen work-life balance focused approach leading him to purchase an old pub in Sydney and turn it into an office. When the new multimillion dollar renovations took place, it seemed only natural to include a beer tap on the ground floor and include one in the design of the Melbourne offices as well.
“It creates a great team building dynamic for both clients and team members, as they hold meetings at 4pm and then enjoy a beer after work together,” said Merlin.
i2C, a Melbourne based architectural and design firm, has more than 40 team members across three States with company owned buildings in Sydney and Melbourne, designed with employees in mind.
“There are breakout areas in the offices so that the team can have time out when they need it,” confirmed Merlin.
“Each year we hold team conferences and together we spend a day working on the company culture and ensuring that the entire team takes ownership of what they want that culture to be.”
Business Coach, Craig Brewster, has worked with both founders of i2C Brian Jende and Anthony Merlin in investing in the culture of the business, facilitating workshops throughout the year and proactively working with the team to keep their culture alive.
i2c launched its first Employee Year Book in 2011, which highlights the achievements of the people who work at i2C, along with their personal interests and company culture. The essence of i2C’s culture is captured creatively in commissioned graffiti art and original, funky mascots that are displayed in the offices as cultural ‘triggers’.
“To keep the points of culture in people’s mind in the office,” confirmed Merlin.
“Brian and I came up with the company vision, but it was our senior team who came up with the mission of the business and worked with their teams to put together the culture of the company and drive it home in everything that we do. We are proud that as a team we are recognised in BRW Best Places to Work top 50.

i2C Architects