Development Excellence Award

Thrift Park Shopping Centre Redevelopment Victoria
i2C is proud to announce that the Thrift Park Shopping Centre Redevelopment has been awarded an Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Award.
The original Thrift Park shopping centre comprised an existing Safeway Supermarket which affronted Nepean Highway, and an antiquated internal strip mall that ran in north-south direction from Lower Dandenong Road.
The vision by (Fabcot Pty. Ltd) Woolworths was to once again establish a retail hub that offered high diverse end retail and embraced community values. This had been an idea bubbling around the business for many years.
An overall design philosophy for the Thrift Park Redevelopment that endeavours to recapture the community spirit of the immediate area and the greater Parkdale/Mentone area in general. This is vital in creating a Retail precinct that will be universally embraced by the local communities within the area.

The feedback received by the design and development teams during this consultation period was extremely positive. The general community and indeed immediate neighbours thrilled that this important public facility was not only being bought into the 21st century, but a community hub directly servicing the greater community was being realized. This was evident in the lack of objections experienced at a council level.
Client: Fabcot/ Woolworths
i2C Team: Brian Jende

i2C Architects