i2C Gives Back

i2C gives back through a number of community involvement and notable fundraising events. When choosing a charity to give back to, we call upon our team for inspiration. Whether it’s our Annual Footy Colours Day, Haigen’s Dry July or a Tree Planting Day led by our sustainability team, we are always on the lookout for influential causes to get behind.
Supporting great causes has been a longstanding virtue of i2C and one that we endeavor to continue well into the future as our team grows and changes. Opportunities like these allow us to re-evaluate how truly lucky we are in our everyday lives whilst gaining perspective on the bigger picture. As a collective, so much more can be achieved when we seize the opportunity to take part in great things that make a difference in people’s lives.
In late May the i2C team from each office took part in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. It was an impressive spread of cookies, cakes, scones and sandwiches; in what seemed more like Australia’s Greatest Bake Off, the joint efforts of our team raised a considerable amount for Cancer Council.
We recognize that when we do good, we feel good; and that’s why we focus our efforts in donating our time, not just money. On Sunday the 29th of July, the Sydney Team took to the local Arthur Paddy Gray Reserve in Glebe for Planet Ark’s National Tree Day. The aim of this conservation initiative was to increase under story vegetation in existing bushland, in turn, increasing the habitat for small birds and lizards.

i2C’s Dry July Campaign was led by our very own frequent dryer Haigen Sykes and raised $2,093 for Dry July NSW, an organisation that’s funding supports cancer patients and their families throughout their cancer journey. Cancer is a topic that hits close to home for many of us, with the majority of the team having been affected by the life-threatening illness in one way or another. As a team that’s proud of having a culture built on beer, it was a tough gig having to spend a month booze-free; but with the support of some very generous family and friends, we pulled through the 31 days feeling sober and proud.
It goes without saying that we are humbled by the amazing effort put in by the team to raise much-needed funding and look forward to doing it all again next year.