i2C Submits projects for the 2018 AIA Awards
i2C recently presented some great projects from around Australia as part of the submission process for the 2018 Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) Awards.

Our vision is ‘Inspiring ideas to enhance human experience’. Delivering on this statement is fundamental to every project that we work on. It’s the reason why we do what we do at i2C. We start each project with this statement and revisit it again once the project is complete to ask ourselves if we delivered on this promise through every aspect the design and delivery.
This was the first year that we’ve entered projects for the Australian Institute of Architects Awards and we were keen to enter projects from each of our offices as well as from our Interiors Studio. There were a number of projects that we felt were great examples of exceptional design delivery from great working teams but we narrowed down our list to ensure that had time to work on the detailed submission process.
This year i2C presented Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre for Victoria and Aveley Shopping Centre for WA in the Commercial category, The Top Ryde Travelator Bridge for the Small Project category in NSW and the Interiors Studio submitted Liquid Studio and the Clearstate Office.

While it has been exciting to present these projects to the various AIA juries, it’s been humbling for us to revisit these projects in detail and reflect on what made them a success for us. We believe that these projects exceeded the delivery of our why – Inspiring ideas to enhance the human experience. This can’t be achieved without the clients that trust us with their projects and the great builders, suppliers and project teams that we work with to deliver exceptional results.