i2C Wins Best Service Based Company!
i2C are proud to win the Best Service Based Company – Over 10 Employees in this year’s Business Excellence Awards.
The Business Excellence Awards honours the accomplishments, achievements, value and contributions of businesses and their owners worldwide. Meeting the other finalists and category winners was both humbling and inspiring as they shared their business journey’s and triumphs.
The awards ceremony is part of a 2-day forum designed to give business owners, board members and team members alike the highest level of business training, access to the world’s top entrepreneurs and keynote speakers supported by workshops specially designed to deliver niche strategies. This year’s theme was; Disrupt or be Disrupted. i2C’s Managing Director, Anthony Merlin and Marketing Manager Emma O’Reilly attended this year’s forum on the Gold Coast.
The impressive line-up of speakers shared some thought provoking insights with the room;

Gary Bertwistle, host of The Mojo Radio Show is a pioneer and thought leader on innovation and creativity. Gary encouraged us to think differently and generate new ways of doing things. He implored us to find our personal and professional purpose and do it well. His talk came with a simple message that we have heard before and was reinforced by every speaker over the forum, READ WIDELY! Gary kindly shared a recommended reading/ podcast list with us and it’s safe to say that everyone in the room walked out at the end of the 2 days with an interesting reading list as long as their arm.
Travis Bell, better known as The Bucket List Guy. Travis brought his infectious energy to the room through his motivation for living life to the fullest. He brought home the message that ‘our time is precious’ through a simple mechanic of giving us each 80 squares on a page and we had to cross off one for each year that we have been alive. It wasn’t all a harsh reality check, we took time to think about everything that we have conquered and are proud to say we have achieved. Breaking your bucket list items into different areas such as ‘meeting a personal hero’, ‘travel adventures’ and even ‘the idiotic stuff’ made his philosophy approachable.

Andre Eikmeier, Co Founder and joint CEO of Vinomofo shared his battles and inspiring journey, reminding us that it can be a long road to success. Key attributes to Vinomofo’s success came from listening to their customers, being human and embracing change.
Holly Ransom, CEO of Emergent, 2014 chair of the G20 Youth Summit and youngest ever female Director of an AFL club gave us an insight into the generation of millennials. Millennials will soon become a large portion of our employee base and as businesses a major part of our target audiences and we need to think about our approaches to having better connections with both. Holly is an advocate of Simon Sinek’s golden circle and starting with the question ‘Why?’. This model has significant importance for us at i2C and revisiting is formed the basis of our team building event earlier this year.
Some of the world’s leading business coaches including Brad Sugars; CEO of ActionCOACH along with Shweta Jharharia, Doug Winnie and Bruce Campbell also took the stage to share their thoughts on disruption, valuable experiences and business strategies.

The forum included expert round table discussions where business owners were invited to talk to groups on various subjects. Topics included Teaching Your Team to Sell, Marketing with Videos, Re-branding your Business, The Latest Technology to Systemise Business and Recruiting that Works. Having built a culture-driven company, i2C’s Managing Director Anthony Merlin was asked to lead the discussions on Recruiting that Works. The round table leaders shared some valuable insights and gave some practical tips on their areas of expertise.

Armed with strategies, action points, reading lists and an extensive network of like-minded business contacts, Anthony and Emma are motivated by the strategies and leanings from the forum and look forward to sharing them with the team.