Our statement on the Voice referendum

With the Voice to Parliament referendum dates locked in for October 14, i2C would like to acknowledge our shared collective responsibility to advocate for reconciliation and healing.
As an organisation, we strongly believe in a shared and equitable future and wholeheartedly support the ‘Yes’ vote and the Voice.
We recognise the Uluru Statement as an invitation to amend our Constitution, bringing about much needed reform and believe the agency enabled from the inclusion of an Indigenous voice in legislation, policies and procedures that affect Indigenous people is long overdue.
The Voice to Parliament is a step on the path towards Treaty and Truth Telling, a journey in which the unified healing of this great Nation should be facilitated with our support. There is so much more to this Country than our documented history tells us and is necessary to enable our growth together as a Nation.
Whatever the outcome of the referendum, i2C will continue to actively work with and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as we continue to navigate our own journey of reconciliation.
We each have the capacity to bring about positive change in our communities and we hope that come October 14, you consider the potential impacts of your vote. A vote for ‘Yes’ is a vote for listening, recognition and better results.
Read i2C’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

i2C Architects