Wellard Sports Pavilion

i2C were engaged by the City of Kwinana to design a new community sports pavilion for the residents of Wellard.

The new pavilion includes a community room, clubroom, public amenities, as well as sports changeroom and storage facilities. The design responds to the local context referencing the Indigenous flora of the nearby Bollard Bulrush swamp and the local agricultural heritage. In addition to the pavilion, the project also includes a new carpark and associated landscaping. The proposed building materials respond to the city’s ambitious sustainability aspirations for the pavilion which involve significantly reducing high Co2 building materials. In addition to the selected materials the design looks to increase the energy efficiency of the pavilion through shading, natural ventilation, and a highly insulated building envelope.
The project sits in a highwater table area additional consideration had to be given to the storm water drainage system strategies. Rain gardens in the carpark are proposed to reduce the reliance on soak wells.

Investigations by the project team identified any risks in the initial design phases such as the high-water table and the requirement for new service connections and upgrades. These items are being actioned early so they can be costed and factored into the project budget and to prevent them from holding up the delivery of the facility.
Client: City of Kwinana
Location: Wellard West, WA