Shortlisted Finalists in the Terra Viva Branding Competition

i2C is proud to announce our shortlisting as finalists in the Terra Viva global design competition to rebrand the ‘Terra Viva Competitions’ brand.
With a focus on urban regeneration projects delivered through Architectural Competitions, Terra Viva Competitions (TVC) aims to drive innovative practices centered on environmental and social sustainability. The competition asked graphic designers to consider a new brand identity for this evolving start-up to take the brand to new levels.
By focussing on the regenerative possibilities of the TVC brand, i2C’s Branded Environments (BE) team set out to do just that.
“Starting with a key strategic theme of the Earth’s Hum as the core uniting force for the brand, we built a brand identity that celebrated the global nature of the TVC brand before developing the aesthetics to bring this identity to life.” Dan Coman, Branded Environments Lead
A comforting, constant sound that unites the world in its rhythmic cycle. What was once thought to be mysterious sounds, we now know the hum is due to a phenomenon known as “microseisms”. These microseisms are low-frequency, long-period seismic waves that reverberate through the planet’s crust, caused by waves constantly crashing into land mass.
Pairing the identity concept with a brand personality that embraces poetic storytelling we begin to create a unique and engaging brand identity. This is then brought to life through the supportive brand aesthetics including the logo design that represents the reverberating waves that unities the planets landforms.
There was a desire from TVC that the logo marque have a timeless quality. This was achieved by simplifying geometric forms that could flex and grow with the brand for years to come.
i2C Team: Dan Coman and Joey Leggett